Those who can, do. Those who can't, bully. At least that's what Freddie's guidance counselor told him. I guess he forgot to add that those who are bullied severely become guidance counselors.
The school bully was so enterprising, he started his own magazine, put himself on the cover, and would give anyone who didn't buy two copies a hearty thrashing.
Freddie returned every photo he had of Glenda to her after they broke up. Adolescent passions run deep. However, here are a couple of photos which should help you visualize his first true love.
A combination of Janet Reno's looks and Don Knotts' sense of humor.
"Having any trouble solving chemical equations, eh, Freddie?"
This science teacher was a riot! R.I.P
Reading all of these Shakespeare plays was NOT a riot!
I don't think any Shakespearian work hasn't been made into a film.
Hamlet is a good one. So is this 1912 version of Richard III.