Calcium and Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat, For A Growing Boy, You Can't Ask For Much More Than That!

Progress of Height

Year Feet Inches
3 2 11
4 3 2
5 3 5
6 3 7
7 3 11
8 4 1
9 4 4

It's not as big or as fancy as the grownup cars, but it'll do. Now I can go "Vroooom vroooom" too.

I'm happy to go as fast as my pudgy legs can take me....for now. I've already wiped out more times than I have fingers or toes to count, but as long as I have this helmet on, the boo boos are not so bad. Someday I think I'll get to race outside on the sidewalk!! And someday I'll be able to catch Tookie too!


The Early Years -- Here's the baby!

Toddlin' around

Elementary my dear...

High School

Collegiate Pursuit